Look for the MMA logo;

Its your assurance of the highest standards 

Our Aims and Interests

The Sydney based Monumental Masons' Association of NSW (MMA) is a federation of Master Monumental Masons strongly supported by members throughout New South Wales.

As the peak body for Master Monumental Masons in NSW the MMA represents the interests of its membership in consultations with federal, state and local government, statutory authorities, trusts and other interested parties.

The MMA is an incorporated non-profit body whose membership comprises independent Master Masons located within NSW. Membership of the association is open to all qualified Monumental Masons in NSW and in a limited capacity to affiliated industries.

The primary objectives of the Association is to

*Offer quality support to its members in all aspects of the industry,

*Assure the buying public of the quality and Australian standards met by all the MMA members, and acceptance by NSW cemeteries

Our focus is to:

*Support, promote and encourage all aspects of the industry.

*Recommend to cemeteries and memorial parks that they accept only work from qualified Masons that are members of  our Association.

*Help Masons obtain fair treatment from the trusts and councils that run cemeteries and in turn assist cemetery authorities in their dealings with our members.

*Assist members and cemeteries in the accurate interpretation, compliance and implementation of the Australian  Standards for Cemeteries.

*Foster relations with higher educational institutions to encourage professional development programs and assist in the formulation of syllabus for the effective training of apprentice Masons entering the industry.

*Liaise with similar State and International associations on matters of mutual interest.

*Mediate where necessary, in disputes between our members and their clients to achieve a fair settlement.

*Formulate, advance and police a code of conduct for our members


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